It seems every other news headline these days is in reference to a negativity that persists throughout the world. The current US political climate, and the earth's climate, are both subjects that have been hotly debated. Both are quite disturbing, but the sheer negligence exhibited by some US lawmakers, towards the needs of our planet, are just downright criminal. Frustration grows amongst all those who are doing their best to make climate change their personal battle, but without our political leaders taking up the initiative it could all be for naught. With that being said, fighting the good fight is always worth the effort. We have another election coming up in less than 12 months, which will allow us a platform to voice our concerns.
Throughout history artists have done their best to influence how we perceive the world, most often keeping us more informed and mindful of the fragility of our planet . During tumultuous times, like the ones we are currently experiencing, this is more important than ever. It is not meant to be a distraction, like sporting events, but rather inspire conversation and provoke emotion. Those two can then be utilized for the betterment of the human condition and could lead (hopefully, with targeted work!) to the preservation of our natural world. The hope is for a positive emotional response, and a move to action.
The time for art is now. A force for good, and inspiration. Focus must be maintained for we are all needed now to fight the good fight.
Light and love to all!
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