It has been a while since my last post! Not sure what prevented me from writing as consistently as I have in the past. Most often the daily pursuits of life can prevent one from staying on the path leading to the really important things in life.
To me those are photography, and writing. While I may not write long form (yet), my hope is that the short pieces I put up have meaning.
The photo below is of one of my favorite places in all of Dunedin, Tunnel Beach. When you make the descent to the coastline the stunning sandstone cliffs make an abrupt appearance in your field of view. They are striking to see against the backdrop of the blue ocean. It truly never fails to impress me when I visit. When in Dunedin I highly recommend taking a trip here.
Sony A7Rii - 24-70 2.8
1/125 | f7.1 | ISO 100 | 24mm