My wife and I are very fortunate to have jobs that allow us freedom with our schedules, but sometimes we don't take advantage of this freedom when the weather is most desirable. There have been times that we are so caught up with our schedules that we miss perfectly good opportunities to hike on the amazing trails Dunedin has to offer (especially when it's not raining!).
Well today was one of those days we were happy to have taken our lunch break to the hills. On today's menu was Mt Cargill, and Butters Peak. The lighting was ideal for photos, with the cloud cover offering as a nice diffuser.
We shot up to the top of Mt Cargill as fast as we could, so as to have enough time to snap photos should the views present themselves. After a number of attempts at trying to capture just the right moment in time, I finally landed the frame below. This was taken high atop Butters Peak, with the Otago Peninsula acting as the background.
Enjoy the photo! When in doubt, get outside and snap pictures!
Sony A7RII - 70-200 2.8
1/200 (very windy!) | f10 | ISO 250 | 70mm