We often trust MetService (New Zealand's most accurate source for weather prediction), and use their 5, and 10-day forecasts for planning trips. I am happy to report that both were quite accurate this past weekend.

Every chance we get, we do our best to visit the alpine regions of the South Island, and to our delight the sunshine was going to be in great supply on the Sunday we were planning tp visit. When we got to Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park, the conditions couldn't have been better for hiking, and photography.

The first photo I'd like to share is one that combines two very distinct alpine elements, lupins and Aoraki/Mt Cook. To do this I needed to stack two photos, one with focus on the foreground, and one on the background. I then used Photoshop to blend the two to create one exposure, with both in focus. The technical term for this is focus stacking. The settings for both photos are listed below the final, blended, image. All other adjustments were done in Lightroom.


Sony A7RII - 70-200 2.8

1/60 | f6.3 | ISO 80 | 70mm

