This past weekend I was very fortunate to have traversed some amazing alpine territory in Central Otago, New Zealand, and Aoraki (Mt Cook) National Park. The whole time I was on the trail was pure bliss, even while finishing the last section of Ben Lomond, and long and winding path to the top of Isthmus Peak. When passing, or crossing paths, with others on the path, I made sure to offer a smile and a greeting. Regardless of how physically demanding the terrain was, I always managed to offer a smile. To be out in the middle of bliss, and be physically capable of hiking, was a true blessing. Always remember to give the gift of smile, for it costs you nothing, and lifts the spirits of those around you. The mountain views aren't bad either.
Sony A7RII - 16-35mm
1/125 | f11 | ISO 100 | 35mm